October 15, 2008

Lifesong Kreations New Alison Series

I have completed several additions to the Alison Rachelle series.

The first is the Add-on kit with various items I added while doing the quickpages and bracket album.

This kit is on sale at 33% off for 3 days only!!

Here is the delightful bracket album that is even working great with my daughter's homecoming pictures of her and her friend.

This kit is also on sale at 33% off for 3 days only.

Then there are these 2 beauties that will help you to make a delightful page in a jiffy. With the help of Chrissy W and Phuong Ton and their neat quickpage templates.

33% for 3 days too!!


I also have the main kit and my new line of groupables for Alison Rachelle on sale too.

Now for the Freebie... actually there are a total of 3 Freebie FaithNotes for the next 3 days to coincide with my 3 day sale. If you miss them they will be in my stores after the sale. They come with instructions and work great with the Avery invitation cards.

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