May 15, 2008

Guest Hostess~ Michelle Woods

We are enjoying a beautiful spring day here in Kansas. The grass is green, the flowers are in bloom, the birds are chirping, the kids are in soccer! :) It's wonderful. I hope you all are having beautiful days wherever you are.

Projects I'm working on: Let's see, I've already told you about the InFrames project I'm working on for digital frame scrapbooking.

I am also working on a baby boy album for my best friend who just had her baby Tuesday night. He has gain 1/4 of an ounce, so now he is up to 5 lbs and 1 oz. They are decorating the nursery in blues, white and tan/brown. Her husband is putting model cars (50s and 60s muscle cars) together to put around the room. So my kit will have some of that also.

Cars- my 2 oldest boys just participated in their first pinewood durby. So I will have a kit out soon that I'm using for those pages.
Speaking of my boys, 2 of them had a birthday in March, so I am also working on a birthday kit to use with those pictures.
I finally got the wedding album I made for my cousin to her. You can view some of those pages in my gallery. They got married 07/07/07. So I got it to her just in time for their 1 year anniversary.

Last but not least, my sister is having a girl in a couple of weeks. They are decorating her nursery in cherry blossoms, pinks and greens. So I am working on a kit to make an album for her too.

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