April 21, 2008

Monday, Monday ...

Good morning! I apologize for not making it in here yesterday, I kind of figured the day was going to take over. I'll have to find a way to make up for it today. My birthday was busy, but good. Ollie had clinic in the morning with his high school team, they had a guest trainer and he was spectacular. The trainer was Randy Velischek who used to play in the NHL including for the Devils. He ran some great drills and is coming back for next week's clinic also. Then there was a game in the afternoon with his travel team. They won 6-0 and everyone played well. Then it was dinner at one of my favorite Italian restuarants. Yummmmmmmm it was super good last night. Hubby had already gotten me the new printer a few weeks ago, so I didn't want any gifts. But the boys still gave me cards and two pairs of flip-flops from j.crew. I LOVE cute flip-flops and have quite the collection of them that I wear the minute the weather even thinks of getting warm.

Have to run get ready for work, but I'll be back today with something special for you.

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