April 23, 2008

Humpy Day!

Woohooooo 1/2 way through the work week today. Gotta love that!

The weather is supposed to be warm and beautiful today and tomorrow. I'm itching to get outside and play in the dirt again. Tonight I can't do too much because Ollie has clinic at 9:00 p.m. so we have to leave the house no later than 8:00 p.m. Doesn't leave me much time after having to take care of dinner, etc.

I know you must all know about the challenges at Digitals each month, but do you know if you do all the challenges you end up with a spectacular coordinated mega kit? I host the Scraplift challenge each month and the ladies who participate really do a great job with the challenge. You can find this month's challenge in the forum here.

Here is a preview of the bonus for completing the challenge this month:

Have you ever wanted/needed a custom kit for something? I've done two custom kits and really enjoyed doing them. Here are the two custom kits I've done and recently I ended up doing an add-on alpha for both of them.

I've put both Peggy's Rose and Rachel & Friends on sale today for only $2.50. These are big full size kits so it's a huge bargain (over 50% off!). Don't forget you can purchase them and also use the coupon on my blog if you purchase $10 or more from my store. I'm working on getting Rachel & Friends Alpha into the store this morning. You can find the coupon on my blog here. You can find my store at Digitals here.

Have a great day!

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